Case Report

Postpartum Sub Occlusion: A Rare Form Of Ovarian Thrombophlebitis

Dr. S. Mouffak, Dr. F. Cherrabi, Dr. Z. Idri, Pr. J. Kouach, Pr. D. Moussaoui

Abstract :

the literature review, we recall the pathophysiological mechanisms of ovarian thrombophlebitis and the distinct aspects visualized on imaging examinations. Yet the most often described clinical presentation remains misleading. We also emphasize the potential, but rare, severity of such a disease, characterized by the risk of pulmonary embolism, and its treatment that remains mostly medical.

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Postpartum sub occlusion: a rare form of ovarian thrombophlebitis, Dr. S. MOUFFAK, Dr. F. CHERRABI, Dr. Z. IDRI, PR. J. KOUACH, Pr. D. MOUSSAOUI, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 11, November - 2018

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