Research Paper

Evaluation Of Control Of Diabetes Mellitus In Hemodialysis Patients: Perspective Study

Ismail Mohammed Dakrory Abd El Rahman, Ashraf Mahmoud Genina, Ahmed Amin Ibrahim, Aliaa Mohammed Monir Ali Higazi

Abstract :

Management of diabetes includes many areas that may be influenced by the severity of a patient's kidney dysfunction. This includes the methods that are used to determine the adequacy of diabetes control, such as hemoglobin A1c (A1C), the potential complications and cautions regarding oral hyperglycemic therapies, and the variable response to insulin therapy as kidney dysfunction progresses. Additionally, management of comorbid conditions, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, and evaluation for the development of conditions associated with CKD, such as anemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperparathyroidism, must also be considered in the care of patients with diabetes and CKD. For most hemodialysis patients, we use insulin rather than oral agents. This is consistent with the 2005 K/DOQI guidelines, which suggest that, among dialysis patients, newer insulin regimens and insulin preparations should be used rather than oral agents for glycemic control This is due to the lack of adequate data concerning the use of oral agents in dialysis patients and their inability to adequately excrete many such agents

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Evaluation of Control of Diabetes mellitus in Hemodialysis Patients: perspective study, Ismail Mohammed Dakrory Abd-El Rahman, Ashraf Mahmoud Genina, Ahmed Amin Ibrahim, Aliaa Mohammed Monir Ali Higazi, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 12, December - 2018

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