Case Report

Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis And Follow Up Of A Rare Case Of A Lymphangioma Located In The Fetal Thorax And Neck With Progressive Enlargement

Panayiota Papasozomenou, Apostolos Athanasiades, Panayiotis Eskitzis, Menelaos Zafrakas

Abstract :

Fetal lymphangiomas or cystic hygromas are uncommon congenital malformations of the lymphatic system. Prenatal diagnosis of lymphangiomas allows appropriate management planning, regarding pregnancy, delivery and treatment. We present a rare case of extended fetal lymphangioma, diagnosed on routine second trimester anomaly scan, initially located in the right mediastinum, with extension to the right lateral part of the neck. Molecular analysis using aCGH after amniocentesis showed a normal female karyotype 46,XX. The lymphangioma gradually enlarged and by the end of the third trimester it extended to the anterior and posterior part of the neck, left mediastinum, pericardium and right axilla. Elective cesarean section in a tertiary center allowed immediate evaluation by a specialized team of pediatric surgeons. Subsequent fetal MRI confirmed prenatal ultrasound findings. Thus far, based on the location and size of the lesion and the lack of pressure effects on the heart and the vital anatomical structures of the mediastinum, the lymphangioma has been treated with repeated courses of sclerotherapy only, which led to partial regression. Today, the child is a thriving 4.5 year old girl with normal physical and mental development.

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Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis and follow up of a rare case of a lymphangioma located in the fetal thorax and neck with progressive enlargement, Panayiota Papasozomenou, Apostolos Athanasiades, Panayiotis Eskitzis, Menelaos Zafrakas, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 4, Issue : 2, February - 2019

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