Case Report

Male Genital Tuberculosis (cutaneous): An Unusual Presentation

Wadhawa S. S, Rijal A

Abstract :

An 18yr/Male, presented to the Dermatology OPD with multiple non-tender papules on the scrotum and penile shaft since one year. Six months ago he had multiple swelling in the inguinal region for which a manipulation was done outside. There were scars present in the supra-pubic region and also in the inguinal region The papules ulcerated with a seropurulent discharge. Some of these papules coalesced to form a plaque with an extension up to the perianal region. On palpation the consistency of the plaque was soft and all lesions were non-tender. There was no history of anorexia, myalgia, fever , sexual contact, close contact with tuberculosis, discharge per urethra, We Report this case as tuberculosis of the scrotum and penis is less than 1% of all genital TB cases reported worldwide hence it can be missed , the diagnosis requires high index of suspicion and exclusion of other commoner genital infections. Treatment of the disease is by anti TB therapy which will completely resolve the lesion.

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Male Genital Tuberculosis (Cutaneous): An Unusual Presentation, Wadhawa S.S, Rijal A, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 2, February - 2017

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