Research Paper

Effect Of Helicobacter Pylori Related Gastritis On The Risk Of Metabolic Syndrome

Ahmed Waheed Ahmed, Hisham Abd Elhaleem Ali, Mohammed Elsayed Abdel Aal Shatat, Heba Mohammed Tawfik

Abstract :

Evidence indicates that HP infection is also associated with metabolic syndrome. Specifically, a cross-sectional study of a large population of Japanese adults evaluated the concentration of HP-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and found that HP-infected subjects had a significantly higher risk of Metabolic syndrome (Gunji et al., 2008). Also, Chen et al, found similar relationship between H. pylori and metabolic syndrome. The underlying mechanisms of the metabolic syndrome-HP relationship remain unknown, although chronic inflammation is presumed to play a key role. Specifically, HP infection induces chronic gastritis and local chronic inflammation, stimulating the production of response inflammatory proteins and cytokines such as C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukins (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10), and eicosanoids (DElios and Czinn, 2014). As overexpression of these proteins contributes to the pathogenesis of Metabolic syndrome, therefor the risk of Metabolic syndrome is expected to be affected by the inflammatory burden associated with HP infection

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EFFECT OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI RELATED GASTRITIS ON THE RISK OF METABOLIC SYNDROME, Ahmed Waheed Ahmed, Hisham Abd Elhaleem Ali, Mohammed Elsayed Abdel Aal Shatat, Heba Mohammed Tawfik INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-4 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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