Case Report

Dysphagia By Giant Osteophyte: A Case Report

Nayara S. O. Lacerda, Fernando L. Fernandes, Marcelo B Aniteli, Eulalia Sakano

Abstract :

Introduction: Dysphagia is a modification in the swallow that can occur in the oral, pharyngeal and esophageal phase. The investigation of the etiology depends on the location, being the oropharyngeal one mainly caused by structured and neuromotor anomalies, whereas the esophageal ones are caused by structural and inflammatory changes. Between elderly patients, the complaint about dysphagia is common, because of the associated comorbidities; in young population, it should be researching mainly for inflammatory and autoimmune causes. Disturbs in the cervical spine are caused by extrinsic pressure and are rare in the young population. Case Report: 57-year-old female patient, with high dysphagia and associated weight loss. She was diagnosed with fusion and prominence of vertebral osteophytes, being subjected to surgery treatment with postoperative clinical improvement. Discussion: Changes in the anterior cervical spine can cause dysphagia, trismus and dyspnea, due to external pressure of the neck structures. In literature, there are few similar cases and among the changes already described are: osteophytes by degenerative joint disease, ankylosing spondylitis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and hereditary multiple exostoses. Conclusion: In situations of investigation to diagnose dysphagia, we always recommend the effectuation of a detailed physical exam, accompanied by image examination, Nasofibrolaryngoscopy and Computed Tomography.

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DYSPHAGIA BY GIANT OSTEOPHYTE: A CASE REPORT, Nayara S. O. Lacerda, Fernando L. Fernandes, Marcelo B'Aniteli, Eulalia Sakano, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-4 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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