Research Paper

Relationship Between Procalcitonin Level And Bacterial Type In Urosepsis Patients At The H. Adam Malik Central General Hospital In Medan

Mudatsir, Ramlan Nasution, Syah Mirsya Warli

Abstract :

Urosepsis is defined as sepsis (septicemia syndrome) which is caused by an infection of the urinary tract. In sepsis, increased levels of procalcitonin in the blood have a significant value that can be used as biomarkers of sepsis. this study aims to correlate the levels of procalcitonin with the type of bacteria in urosepsis patients. This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study, where the samples assessed were inpatients with a diagnosis of urosepsis at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan from December 1, 2015 to July 31, 2018. Data were collected from medical records. Of the 58 study samples, 30 samples (51.7%) were male and 28 others (48.3%) were women. The age of the patient has a mean of 51 years. Of the 17 samples with procalcitonin levels above 10, 15 of them had gram negative culture results. Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained from this study, there was a significant relationship between the levels of procalcitonin and the type of gram bacteria.

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Relationship between Procalcitonin Level and Bacterial Type in Urosepsis Patients at the H. Adam Malik Central General Hospital in Medan, Mudatsir, Ramlan Nasution, Syah Mirsya Warli, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 4, April - 2017

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