Original Research Paper

Investigation Of An Outbreak Of Diphtheria In Sojitra Taluka Of Anand District, Gujarat

Dr. Martina Balat, Dr. Rajshree. J. Bhatt, Dr. Shalini Singh, Dr. Hinal Bhadesiya, Dr. Karan Desai

Abstract :

Background: Diphtheria is a highly contagious and life threatening vaccine preventable disease (VPD). However past three decades of implementation of Universal immunization programme in India, sporadic cases of diphtheria continue to uproot making it pertinent to study social and epidemiological determinants of diphtheria.Objectives:1) To confirm the existence of diphtheria outbreak 2) To study the magnitude and distribution of outbreak with reference to time place and person 3)To identify implementation of control and preventive response of health care system to the same.Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out by State Rapid Response Team from BJMC Ahmedabad visiting Sojitra Taluka of Anand District as 12 cases and 7 deaths, suspected of Diphtheria were reported there. Team interacted with Health Officials, families of cases and collected information regarding the cases and activities carried out so far.Result: Out of seven deaths, two cases were Laboratory confirmed and rest five were clinically suspected with CFR of 58.3%. Immunization status of all cases were unknown with no records. Contact listing done and erythromycin prophylaxis given to all. Mass Immunization of all children below 15 years of age was carried out. 327 beneficiaries in Balinta and 2031 in Kasor village of Sojitra taluka were vaccinated in outbreak response Immunization.Conclusion: Low Immunization status, difficult terrain and lack of awareness regarding immunization was found to be major factor responsible. People being inclined towards Dharmguru (Superstition) rather than going to Hospital based treatment for their illness.

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INVESTIGATION OF AN OUTBREAK OF DIPHTHERIA IN SOJITRA TALUKA OF ANAND DISTRICT, GUJARAT, Dr. Martina Balat, Dr. Rajshree.J.Bhatt, Dr. Shalini Singh, Dr. Hinal Bhadesiya, Dr. Karan Desai, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-2021

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