Original Research Paper

To Prove Effectiveness Of Arogyavardhini In Kushtha

Dr. Vedashri A. Kalavade, Dr. Satish S. Chapadgaonkar, Dr. Prashant A. Khade, Dr. Asharani Kore

Abstract :

Kushtha is the disorder of raktavaha strotas .All the skin disorders are included in the Kushtha. All the three doshas are vitiated in this disease.Kled formation is the main pathalogical phenomenon in this disease.It is chronic disorder .It is contagious type of the disease.Shodhan chikitsa is the main treatment for the kushtha .But excessive shodhan can cause vat prakop.Hence snehan is necessary for the patient.Also along with shodhan shaman chikitsa is also necessary .

Keywords :

raktavaha strotas    kushtha   kled   vat.   prakop      shodhan   shaman.  

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TO PROVE EFFECTIVENESS OF AROGYAVARDHINI IN KUSHTHA, Dr.Vedashri A.Kalavade, Dr.Satish S.Chapadgaonkar, Dr.Prashant A. Khade, Dr.Asharani Kore, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-5 | Issue-10 | October-2020

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