Research Paper

Therapeutic Cloning From The Perspective Of Public Law

Mousazadeh, Sepideh, Mousazadeh, Ebrahim.

Abstract :

Therapeutic cloning is one of the important branches of the new science of cloning, sub-trends stem cells and field of genetics. Today, medical and research results of therapeutic cloning is debatable from different dimensions legal, bioethical and medical, medical law, human rights and public rights. Public law that regulates government relations with citizens in various aspects, especially in the emerging legal phenomena, will be evaluated more than other fields in this context. In the legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, because according to the fourth article of the constitution, Islamic generally to law applies absolutely and all laws and regulations and all governing principles of the constitution, Therefore, must entered legal aspects, legal and ethical rules and regulations related to therapeutic cloning based on legal norms the extraction into the country's legal system.

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Therapeutic Cloning from the Perspective of Public Law, Mousazadeh, Sepideh, Mousazadeh, Ebrahim., International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 4, April - 2017

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