Case Report

Right Sided Infective Endocarditis - About 4 Cases And Review Of Literature

A. Lagziri, H. Faliouni, A. Ezzouak, B. El Younassi

Abstract :

The right sided infective endocarditis (RSIE) is a rare disease, it represents 5- 10% of the total number of Infective endocarditis events, mainly occurring in patients with congenital heart disease, patients carrying intravascular catheters or intracardiac devices, and its frequently seen in injection drug users, especially in those with a HIV positive or immunocompromised status. We report 4 cases of right sided infective endocarditis in non-addicted patients with a literature review.

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Right sided infective endocarditis - about 4 cases and review of Literature, A.LAGZIRI, H.FALIOUNI, A.EZZOUAK, B.EL YOUNASSI, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 7, July - 2017

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