Original Research Paper

A Simple Cost Effective Method For Digestion Of Diatom From Fresh Water

Toshi Pandey, Clarissa Kharsati, Shri Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Miss Suchitra, Shri Suresh Babu

Abstract :

Diatom is one of important flora present in water in perspective of forensic science to determine cause of death due to drowning. Diatom helps not only in determination of cause of death, but also in establishment of a relation between site of drowning and site of recovery of corpus. In present study, House hold bleach Rin Fabric Whitener was used to digest diatom which was found effective, easy, less time consuming, less chemically hazardous and inexpensive digestion method of diatom from fresh water in comparison of acid digestion method and other proposed digestion methods. The physical morphology of diatom remained intact after digestion. The proposed method was found capable for digestion and diatom was visible under compound microscope at 400X magnification.

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A SIMPLE COST EFFECTIVE METHOD FOR DIGESTION OF DIATOM FROM FRESH WATER, Toshi pandey, Clarissa Kharsati, Shri Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Miss Suchitra, Shri Suresh Babu, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2022

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