Original Research Paper

Traditional Bone Drilling Technique For Limb Salvage.

Dr. Ananta Kulkarni, Dr. Tushar Jadhav, Dr. Atul Gowardhan, Dr. Pravin Lohote

Abstract :

Several conditions like trauma/injury, diabetes, severe infections, ablation associated with malignancies, neuropathy and peripheral vascular diseases are known to threat functions of limb. Limb salvage/sparing procedures are surgical intervention aimed for salvaging the structure and function of bone by avoiding amputation. Traditional bone drilling is universal surgical intervention utilized for fixation of internal fracture, installation of implants and for conduction of reconstructive surgery. In this review the overview of application of traditional bone drilling technique for limb salvage.

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TRADITIONAL BONE DRILLING TECHNIQUE FOR LIMB SALVAGE., Dr. Ananta Kulkarni, Dr. Tushar Jadhav, Dr. Atul Gowardhan, Dr. Pravin Lohote, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2023

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