Case Report

Aggressive Fibromatosis Of The Neck And Mandible; Report Of Two Challenging Cases

Ali Al Momen, Bayan Al Nassir, Mohammad Al Eid

Abstract :

We present our experience of two cases of rare connective tissue disease occurring within the midface. First case represented a very large painless slowly growing neck mass extending from mid neck to the clavicle displacing the trachea to the other side. Second case represented a painful mass in the right posterior mandibular region that had overgrows teeth. FNA and incisional biopsy did not confirm the diagnosis. A complete excision of the lesion with invasion of adjacent structure confirms the diagnosis of Aggressive Fibromatosis. Different modalities of the treatment will be discussed.

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Aggressive Fibromatosis of the Neck and Mandible; report of two challenging cases, Ali Al Momen, Bayan Al Nassir, Mohammad Al Eid, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 12, December - 2017

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