Case Report

Brucellosis Presenting With Pericardial And Loculated Pleural Effusion: A Case Report

Farhad Malek, Ali Davarian, Gholam Ali Mahdavi

Abstract :

Objective: There are rare reports about pericardial and loculated pleural effusion in brucellosis. Clinical Presentation and Intervention: A 32 year old male was admitted to the hospital with a 20 days history of fever, night sweats, anorexia and pleuritic type chest pain. Chest X-ray, Chest spiral CT-scan and echocardiography revealed right pleural and pericardial effusions, respectively. Blood culture serology for brucella was positive. The patient was treated using Doxycycline and Rifampin and Streptomycin. Clinical symptoms relieved after competition of treatment. Conclusion: This report revealed that pericardial and loculated pleural effusion may be associated with brucellosis.

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Brucellosis presenting with pericardial and loculated pleural effusion: A case report, Farhad Malek, Ali Davarian, Gholam-ali Mahdavi, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 3, March - 2018

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