Editorial Review

Nature, Nurture And Culture: Influence Of Various Factors On Health

Ramsha Khan, Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi

Abstract :

Lifespan can be explained as the period of time of a persons life in which they live or expected to live. (Collins English Dictionary, 2017). According to Larkin (2013, p. 8), the life cycle is defined as different key stages from which a person passes through during the life. However, these stages are not only referred as childhood, adulthood and old age as the concept towards the meaning of age has been viewed differently between different cultures and different times. According to latest findings, different life events in an individuals lifespan plays an important role in influencing the physical, mental and psychological health of the person. The impact of life events can have different health impact on different people, for example in general, divorce can be stressful event for a person, but in some cases divorce can be more preferable option than a stressful marriage. So it also depends on how an individual cope with a specific life event.

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Nature, Nurture and Culture: Influence of various factors on health, Ramsha Khan, Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 3, March - 2018

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