Case Report

Evaluation Of Post-radiotherapy Oral Sequelae And Temporomandibular Dysfunction / Orofacial Pain In A Patient With Embryonic Rhabdomyosarcoma. Report Of A Case.

Od. Maria Fernanda Chavez Campuzano, Dra. Norma Ines Campuzano Valdivieso, Md. Alex Carrion Encalada, Dra. Marcela Alexandra Cevallos Champutis, Dr. Luis Gabriel De Los Reyes Morales, Dr. Patricio Marcelo Unda Jaramillo, Dra. Liliana Patricia Ospina Valencia, Dr. Edesmin Wilfrido Palacios Paredes

Abstract :

Determine the prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) symptoms on dental students of different dentistry faculties of Ecuador, searching possible differences between genders. Methods: 400 students of 6 universities of Ecuador were previously selected to complete the questionnaire of signs and symptoms of DC/TMD, which was translated into Spanish and verified using the Cronbach Index with 78,96% of reliability. Results were analyzed using Chi-squared test, in SPSS V22 software with 5% of allowed mistake and 95% of trust. Results: Women were found to be the predominant gender exhibiting symptoms (71%) between 17-27 years old (p0,05). 65,5% of the students reported doing exercises sporadically, 28,5% reported allergies, 15,5% night bruxism, and 2,3% day bruxism, 5% told to have a traumatism, and just 4,75% of the students sought treatment. Conclusion: high occurrence of TMD was found in Ecuadorian dentistry students predominantly in females. Nonetheless, less than 5% seek attendance. Findings illustrate the propagation of TMD to the general population and highlight the need for guidance in specialized treatments.

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Evaluation of post-radiotherapy oral sequelae and Temporomandibular dysfunction / Orofacial Pain in a patient with embryonic Rhabdomyosarcoma. Report of a case., Od. Maria Fernanda Chavez Campuzano, Dra. Norma Ines Campuzano Valdivieso, Md. Alex Carrion Encalada, Dra. Marcela Alexandra Cevallos Champutis, Dr. Luis Gabriel de los Reyes Morales, Dr. Patricio Marcelo Unda Jaramillo, Dra. Liliana Patricia Ospina Valencia, Dr. Edesmin Wilfrido Palacios Paredes, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 4, April - 2018

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