Research Paper

Factors Affecting Time Of Spontanuous Delivery Of Dichorionic Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy

Elkeblawy Mohamed, Awad Elsayed, Elashqar Osama, Abd Eldayem Tamer

Abstract :

Twin pregnancies pose a higher risk for intrapartum complications and perinatal morbidity and mortality. As more women delay childbearing and the number of pregnancies conceived with assisted reproductive technology rises, twins are becoming more common. However, uncertainties exist regarding the optimal gestational age and mode of delivery for twins. Obstetrical management decisions related to the delivery of twins ultimately focus on minimizing stillbirth and neonatal morbidity and mortality risks. Randomized controlled studies on these issues are unfortunately limited. Therefore, decisions on the delivery of twins must rely on the best available evidence. The question is about factors affecting the time of spontaneous delivery in dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy and what is the optimal gestational age for twin delivery. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of the timing of delivering twins and the perinatal outcome, to minimize perinatal complication according to main determinant factor

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FACTORS AFFECTING TIME OF SPONTANUOUS DELIVERY OF DICHORIONIC DIAMNIOTIC TWIN PREGNANCY, Elkeblawy Mohamed, Awad Elsayed, Elashqar Osama, Abd-eldayem Tamer, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 4, April - 2018

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